Monday 17 March 2014

What is a Lake Malawi Cichlid Habitat Like?

What is a Lake Malawi Cichlid Habitat Like?
Lake Malawi is one of the largest lakes in the world. It is approximatelt 360 milkes long and some where between 20-45 milkes wide and has a maximum depth of around 2300 feet. Temperatures  tend to fluctuate in accordance to the time of the year. During the dry season is when Lake Malawi is at its coldest peek which results in surface temperatures to reach about 68 degrees Farenheit. The wet season takes place from around the months of Novemeber to April. This is when Lake Malawi has temperatures ranging between 74-82 degrees Fahreneit. (Smith,2010)
Contrary to how visually appealing it is diving in a coral reef, the only colour you tend to see underwater are the many species of African cichlids themselves. The natural habitat of Lake Malawi  consists solely of mud,sand and various sized rocks which illustrate little to no colour. Although the natural scaping is not aesthitacally pleasing the play a crucial role in the sustainability and surivial of the several types of cichlids that call Lake Malawi home.

A common question that is constantly asked in the aquarium hobby is how to make sure the cichlids are happy and when asked this I always say the same thing: Replicate parameters of water so that they are similar to the ones in Lake Malawi before the addition of the African Cichlids. Most cities consist of water that mimics the necessary pH and hardness value that is desireable to various African Cichlid Species however to those who reside in areas where both pH and hardness is relatively low there are several buffers and chemicals available available to enhance parameters to meet the standards of the fish you decide to keep. For those who have set up aquariums, where are you all from? What are your water parameters like?

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