Wednesday 19 March 2014

Breeding African Cichlids

Breeding African Cichlids
Having trouble getting your Cichlids to spawn, well considering they can be a bit difficult I’ve gathered some tips I hope are helpful.
A healthy Cichlid is a breeding Cichlid, so be sure to have a good filtering system, with regular water changes that meet the necessary standards of your tank. “Unhealthy fish don’t mate and considering females don’t eat during incubation period of the eggs that can be up to four weeks, she will need to be in good health.” 
Keep the Female to male ratio high to insure not just one female takes the aggression of the male. “Having at least 2 females will spread the damage an aggressive male can potentially cause. “
Diet is also important so it’s recommended to use good quality Cichlids food like; “pirulina flake, with supplements of brine shrimp, blood worms, krill, and plankton.” 
“The last thing that I know has helped me and many others in getting their fish to spawn are caves, you can use clay pots. What’s important is that they have a place they can hide.” 
What is your motivation for breeding African Cichlids?

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