5 Most Popular Victorian Cichlids
Cichlids are considered some of the
most beautiful fresh water fish due in part to the variety of colors available.
Looking for a Cichlid from Lake Victoria might be hard due to; invasive
species, water siltation, and over fishing reducing the availability.
Here are the
top 5 most popular types of cichlids to look out for considering they are
your best bet at adding a Victorian Cichlid to
your fish tank. Of the Cichlids that are native to Lake Victoria I find Haplochromis to be the most
easily accessible, which may be due in part to their striking colors and visual
appeal. They are also considered more docile and easier to maintain in
comparison to their Lake Malawi cousins, in my opinion, the equally as
beautiful Mbuna.
1. Statoreochromis Alluaudi
Figure 1(Bauman)

3. Haplochromis
sp. "Blue Obliqidens" 

Figure 3(Bauman)

Figure 4

5. Haplochromis
sp. "Kenya Gold"
Figure 5 (Bauman)
list of 5 stand out in popularity because of the allure of having freshwater
fish that can be easily mistaken for their saltwater counterparts, and when
comparing the upkeep required for maintaining a saltwater tank it’s easy to see
why they are in such high demand.
out of this list of Victorian
Cichlids you like most?